Sunday, October 13, 2013


Back in September I made a trip to the States to see the family.  Mr. K only had a week of vacation, and as he was scheduled to be a groomsman in a fantastic wedding in CA, we decided that he should spend his vacation there to help out and see his side (I'd join him a few days into his vacation after having visited CT and FL).

Here are some of the best moments from the trip.  Starting with CT:

The bear cubs.  They're growing up way too fast!!!
I got a chance to see Miss A run her first cross country race.  And where was it?  Only at Tarrywile Mansion, the site of Mr. K and my reception!

Pretty, isn't it?
While waiting to see Miss A run, Mr. O was showing me some tricks on his penny board.
I love this shot.  Good air, bub!
Then we watched Miss A try to escape the camera.
I will always catch you!  Hahahahaha! (It's the joy of being an older sister)
Here my brother turned into a model for Abercrombie and Fitch.
And then he sneezed and became Mr. O again.
The race has begun!
10 points if you can spot my sis

Go, A, go!
She finished in the top 3rd of the race, not bad for a first time!  So proud of her.
Nice work, dah-ling!
Oh, did I mention that Mr. O can ride a unicycle?  Well, here's proof.
Quite impressed.
I got a chance to meet up with some friends: Mr. and Mrs. M, Mrs. P, and Mr and Mrs F.  I didn't take a photo of B and K, but I can assure you that they looked fantastic and so happy in love.

Good friends are hard to beat.

After the short four days in CT, it was off to sunny FL.  And for once, Momma's dog was at ease!  That's because scary bearded Mr. K was not with me.  He doesn't like that man too much.  It has to be the beard.
The big scaredy-cat
I tried to get a picture of all my family members in FL, and looking back at them, I missed a few people.  This makes me sad.  Very sad.  I love you Aunt S, Bean, and Gpa P.  Sorry I didn't get you in photo!

But, we had a lovely dinner and great malarky was enjoyed by all.
Some of my favorite ladies.

 Here I'm testing the distance for a family photo.  Love my sister, Miss K, in these shots. Priceless!
"How about this? Is this good?"

"Oh no she didn't!"

"You're so droll, mumsy!"
Here's a partial family shot.
Love my FL family!
And then Gma wanted to have one with me in it, so here's her shot.
Strangely, it works!
After a glorious time in FL, which I was very sad to leave, it was off to C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A!
Land of Palm trees and sun- oh wait, that's FL too!  Hahaha!  I knew I liked CA just as much as FL.   What I didn't plan on seeing there were MOUNTAINS!!!

I was in awe of the majestic ranges.  Got to meet up with Mr. K again.  Very happy. Got my fill on Mexican food (is that even possible?  Nah!  I think I'm in withdrawal again...) And we got whisked away to a rehearsal dinner at Aunt C's house.  Love the family shots!
This is family.
PHOTOBOMB!  He's lucky he's the groom.

Mr. K and his Gma P.  They're adorable here!
Oh and I got to meet a soon to be new member of the family!  C's fiancée, Miss H!
They are such a cute couple!!!
And that leaves us with the wedding.  But, I'll do that for another entry.

Until next time,

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